Thursday, March 24, 2011

Nikah dalam Masjid, Hukumnya?

I came across this matter from this blog. Thank ya puan blogger! Since I am planning my marriage, so this really is useful.

My interpretation from the article is:

1) It is better if we could do it in the mosque as "masjid itu adalah tempat yang paling suci on earth, maka pernikahan yang merupakan suatu ibadah itu juga tidaklah salah dilakukan di masjid

2) Di masjid, inshaALLAH tiada berlaku percampuran lelaki dan perempuan (ikhtilat), berbanding jika bernikah di rumah. Plus, inshaALLAH semua orang yang have a common sense will of course berpakaian sopan dan menutup aurat.

3) But it is NOT compulsory to do it in the mosque. The solemnization could be carried out anywhwre you want it to be. 

4) Jika tidak mampu untuk menjaga adab-adab ketika berada si masjid, maka lebih wajar pernikahan itu diadakan di rumah.

These interpretations were based on what Dato' Ahmad Jusoh's opinion :)

As for me, dekat mane pun it will be, I just hope everything is gonna be OK. Semoga segalanya dipermudahkan. Amin ya rabb :)

Well, my solemnization is gonna be held at a small surau. Dekat gilos dengan rumah... Jalan lenggang kangkung pun boleh sampai. 

So Abang Kacak, see u there inshaALLAH...

(Ehh chehh chehh)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

But Whyyyy?

I took my dinner already. Mak tapaukan nasi for me. Sambil mak drive, sambil I makan. Ehh kan bahagia if sambil mak drive, mak suapkan? HAHAHA

Tapi sampai je rumah, I buka tudung saji. And makan lagi.

And now, after 2 hours kot, I am still hungry. Adoi laaahhhh...

Memang berjaya menternak lemak sungguh! HEHEHE

Sedangkan dah amik measurement untuk baju. HAHAHA

Laaayyaaannn je lahhh :P

Her First Getaway (and mine too)

Ok here it goes. Honestly, I haven't been proposed officially, YET!!! Dah dirisik, dah bertunang, and bakal berkahwin this coming May 2011. Taaapppppiiiiii, seru dia tak sampai lagi kot nak propose I. Gilos!

Proposed yang biasa-biasa ade la... Entah macam mana or idea sape entah yang nak we all kawin this May :P
Serious, the actual plan is to wait until I am done with my MSc, which is next year kot, insha ALLAH.


Tapi, hehehe... I pernah la proposed Si Abang Kacak tu. Sebab we all bergaduh and kononnya nak pujuk balik. You know me being a pathetic romantic :P

So, pada suatu hari, I pun puas la pujuk dia. Mak datokkk hang tak tau mamat tu if merajuk, mengalahkan perempuan. Haaiissshhh letih cheq.

Setelah berjaya memulas, memerah dan brain storming, I pun ordered cup cakes with ayat yang kononnya keramat itu:

    "Abang Kacak, will you marry me?"

Terasa sedikit malu masa nak ambil the cakes. Tapi nak pujuk punya pasal, I pakai bedak 2 inch tebal untuk cover malu.

Then, I pun pakat lah with his best buddy, Yus Yus (nama samaran). Kami telah berjaya memperdayakan Abang Kacak dengan tipu muslihat kami.

Yus Yus bilang padanya:

    "Weyh, ko teman aku amik gambar kat Putrajaya jap. Untuk assignment aku. Malam ni lepas maghrib aku amik ko."

So me and my best friend pun pergilah ke lokasi yang dijanjikan. Dan terlihat lah aksi-aksi Yus Yus dan Abang Kacak buat "assignment".

We parked the car, and left the cup cakes on Yus Yus's car. Lepas tu apa lagi, sorok arrrrhhhh and smsed Yus Yus.

Both Yus Yus and Abang Kacak pun menuju ke kereta. Abang Kacak ternampak kotak cup cakes tu. Dia pandang kiri. Dia pandang kanan. Dia pandang Yus Yus.

Lalu I and my BFF pun keluar tersipu-sipu malu tapi at the same time senyum bangga pun ada :P
Abang Kacak hidung dah kembang, segan la konon... Hehehe

Lepas tu, when no one was around, he said,

    "Kin, thanx. I love u."

Tapi I tak ingat la dia jawab apa as for my proposal tu. Sure lah yes kan? Tapi tak ingat. Sebab I AM expecting him to propose me. Tak kire, nak jugak nak jugak nak jugak!

p/s: Hmmm, Wai dapat idea nak buat getaway sebab adik Wai kawin ehhh? Hehehe

Friday, February 25, 2011

The True Meaning of Happiness

Few days ago, I met a guy from Jordan. He's a phd student at UPM.

Sembang punye sembang, die cakap...

    " You could seek happiness everywhere. But you'll never find it if you don't what true happiness is. I've been searching for it all this while. Until I finally realized that true happiness is whenever I am remembering ALLAH"

Whoaaa, OK Sir. I will definitely remember that. Actually I rasa semua orang tau. Cuma maybe they, emmm, neglecting it? Ye lah, sebab no matter what we do, ALLAH will always be there. Kan? Kita je tak perasan. Or terlupa.

Meeting this guy is a good thing. Kesian saya tengok dia. He's a Palestinian. Nantilah when I'm not busy, I'm gonna jot down a little something about him.

May ALLAH bless him, inshaALLAH.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Stupid Joke (yang menempah sekeh)

Di satu hari, ehh bukan, di satu malam. Saya ternampak a very interesting article on animal testing. A good article it is.

Pastu dengan jari jemari ringan saya pun post lah kat FB and tagged my fellow friends yang buat animal testing. Hmm saya tanya one of them,

    " What is your stand on this issue?"

Dia jawab punyalah panjang and let me just copy paste je lah ye?

Interesting indeed! I seriously believe animal experimentation has saved alot of human lives; using animals has made it possible to determine what safe dose of chemicals to use on humans in order to prevent harmful effects; it has also spared us the use of humans for unnecessary experiments that have not produced good results after a few trials; humans have also been saved by treatments developed thru the use of animals. So whatever way we look at it, it still remains an unavoidable evil.
hmmmm......on the issue of animal rights activists, I never took them seriously until i was attacked on "Yahoo questions and answers" by one of them. I innocently asked a question on what type of rat is best for studying diabetes and it seemed like he was waiting for me to put up the question. The 1st response was that "you shd be ashamed of yourself using innocent animals for experiments. would you want someone to also use you as a lab rat....blah blah blah."
Infact I heard that once there was a researcher that was attacked (not sure in which country) for using animals for research. Now I am really scared of them, I hardly talk about animal experimentation outside the 4 walls of the university lol.....

And my stand?

Owh I stand up.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Mission Possible, kooottttt? Part 1

(Please try to imagine the James Bond's song when you are reading this)

My wedding is just around the corner. Simpang depan tuh je haaaa, tak jauh dah oiiiii!

But but but, I have a confession to make. Well...


I have prepare nothing!

OK, maybe 'nothing' sounds too bad, I only managed to settle the dress for my reception. It's a new dress, konon-konon based on my own design la. 

Since when I jadi fashion designer nihhh? Keluar rumah hari-hari pun selekeh mekeh. Ade hati nak jadi fashion designer you!!

Basically my wedding dress macam pics kat bawah ni haa...

But of course, mine will be lagi banyak kain as I must cover the bahu and lengan. Lengan and bahu are too cantik to exposed. If tak cover, abis patah balik rombongan lelaki. HAHAHA

So the sopan version is something like below: 

If you happened to notice, all these dress have a bustline. 

Bagi saya itu penting untuk memberikan ilusi tinggi yang nyata dan maya. Sebabnya, teman nih emmm, small size. I am truly Asian! HAHAHA (OK fine tak mau mengaku pendek)

So, only my side's dress yang tengah OTW nak siap. His side, still looking for a perfect golden songket. I don't understand them, boys; they really like the idea of tanjak and keris. Tanjak kan benda atas kepala tuh? Ke tengkolok? :P

Checklist yang lain

  1. Catering
  2. Kompang
  3. Goodie bag
  4. Things in the goodie bag
  5. Bunga pahar/bunga telur
  6. Sweets
  8. Honeymoon
  9. Kursus kawin
  10. Blood test
  11. All the kawin forms
  12. Spa session
  13. Song list
  14. Wedding card
  15. Invitation list

OK, malas dah nak list them all. Sebab, from 1-15, satu pun tak settle!!! HAHAHA I know gila.

But I am too stress (konon) to think about all of these. Other B2B might be so excited. But TQ to my new MSc project, I just couldn't think of any of these things. 

Last year, uuiiissshh gilos ahh semangat. Namun kini ia pudar. So I only have 2 months 2 weeks to plan for my wedding. Whhoooaaa!!

OK lets go back to reality. I have a proposal to focus on :(

Pun Boleeeehhhh

Emmm, I have this kelebihan to incorporate two words into 1. Dulu, both words must be in BM. But now it can be either English or BM. Paham tak? 

Macamni, since I'm super duper talkative and I often cerita dengan excited and gumbira, I tend to cakap laju-laju and make a mistake. A silly one but emm, funny. Everytime silap mesti kena bahan. Senget betul!

1) Lembu + Kerbau = Lembau
2) Menari + Menyanyi = Menyari
3) Bosan + Boring = Bosing
4) Anak mertua and bapak menantu
5) Ketar + Lutut = Ketut
6) Diam + Senyap = Denyap/Dinyap
7) Telur + Pahar = Pehur

p/s: If dah banyak, I nak try send this list to DBP, kot-kot boleh publish.